What I Packed In My Hospital Bag

Packing a hospital bag before having a baby means that things are getting REAL! I packed my bag weeks before my due date in hopes that I would go into labor early but I ended up being 5 days late. Regardless of how soon I packed it, though, I was still a bit anxious when my water broke and was double checking all of the things in it to make sure I had everything I needed.

Not only was this my first baby, but it was also my first hospital stay ever (in fact, I have never even had a broken bone, stitches, or anything else that would require me to have care at a hospital). The problem for us first-time moms is… what do you really need? This is definitely not a hotel stay or vacation, so what are the essentials to keep you comfortable (especially items that are practical for those of you who will be nursing with visitors and hospital staff coming in and out of your room constantly).

Since I did a lot of researching and asking around beforehand, I felt super prepared and ended up having everything I needed. Here’s what I packed for myself and for baby.


Our hospital room was kept at a mandatory 74 degrees which was very warm for us! I had originally packed some pairs of leggings and I did not wear them because the temperature of our room mixed with my medications and hormones would have made me sweat like crazy. I ended up wearing a pair of shorts and nursing tank tops for both of the days we were in the hospital. I was also thankful to have loose-fitting clothing. I brought a nursing bra but I did not care to wear it since my nursing tank top covered enough.

  • Nursing tank tops– for a future baby, this is all I will plan to bring to wear on top. Especially for someone learning how to breastfeed, I needed something super easy to use so I could cover up quickly if we had visitors show up. I ended up going to Walmart to get two more after delivery because they were so handy!
  • Comfortable, loose-fitting shorts
  • Lightweight cardigan- this was nice if we had a visitor come in and I felt a little too exposed.
  • Robe- I labored in my robe and was thankful to have it, but I ended up not needing it after delivery.
  • Flip flops- I didn’t wear shoes at all in our hospital room (because I never even left the room!), but an easy-to-wear pair of shoes is good to have!
  • Some people may want to bring some pajamas, but I ended up just wearing the hospital gown because it was easiest for the middle of the night feedings and kept me cool

Yep, that’s it. Notice I did not add in any other undergarments. Mesh panties from the hospital will be your best friend!


The hospital is not a hotel, so the only thing provided was shampoo/body wash combo soap in the shower. I brought all of my usual toiletries and I’m thankful I did. Maybe it would be different if I only stayed one night, but I was happy to have all of my own things. My first shower after a 37-hour labor was INCREDIBLE! All postpartum care items I needed (such as pads) were provided by my hospital.

  • Shampoo & conditioner
  • Body wash
  • Face wash/make-up wipes
  • Razor
  • Deodorant
  • Toothbrush & toothpaste
  • Dry shampoo
  • Brush
  • Makeup (I brought powder, mascara, and lipgloss)
  • Blow dryer (I probably didn’t really need this, but I’m putting it here just in case. I had lost so much blood in delivery that I got very light-headed when I stood up. So, I ended up feeling sick after using my blow dryer and didn’t get my hair all the way dry anyway.)

Natural Remedies

  • Diffuser
  • Lavender essential oil- I used this one
  • Chapstick- you’ll need this to moisturize after all that hard breathing!
  • Handheld fan– I used this in labor a little (we’ll eventually use it as a stroller fan), but I mainly got use out of it when I had it clipped on my hospital bed and had it running as I slept
  • These aren’t really considered natural remedies, but I was thankful to have some trail mix and Gatorade to snack on during labor

Other Items

  • Phone and charger
  • Copy of my birth plan (my midwives already had mine on file because I gave it to them at one of my appointments a few weeks prior, but some hospitals may not do this)
  • Photo ID
  • Blanket- I didn’t end up needing mine because, again, our hospital room was entirely too hot but I could see this being beneficial.
  • Pillow- I didn’t bring mine because I didn’t think the bulk of carrying it in would have been worth it. That was dumb. I really wish I would have had my pillow… or 4 of them. The hospital pillows are not comfortable and neither was the bed. On top of having a sore bottom from delivery, I wish I had more pillows to properly prop myself up.
  • Bluetooth speaker and charger- We used this while I was in labor and had it playing the Labor & Delivery playlist I made
  • Nipple cream if you’re breastfeeding, I personally love this one from Earth Mama. The hospital gave me a sample of Lanolin and I preferred the one I brought more.

For Baby

I packed Emery’s things in our diaper bag. She didn’t need much as she was mostly just swaddled in a blanket the entire time. The hospital provided the wipes and diapers we needed.

  • Boppy pillow (or something similar). I forgot to bring mine and wished I’d had it every time I nursed (which was constantly)
  • One “going home” outfit
  • Swaddle, or two (the hospital provided a blanket to use but you could bring something cuter or softer)
  • Soap (if you prefer something besides what the hospital will use)
  • Car seat installed in the car

I am usually a heavy packer (and you may still think this is a lot), so I was pretty proud of myself. Other things to consider before packing are the number of days/nights you are staying in the hospital and what kind of birth you plan for. We had only planned to be at the hospital one night but had to stay two so my mom ended up bringing me another tank top and pair of shorts.

What are some other things you felt were must-haves during your hospital stay after having a baby? Feel free to share below!

Things I thought about bringing but I’m glad I didn’t: my laptop, nursing bra, nursing breast pads, my breast pump, any postpartum needs like pads or panties, our baby book, postpartum belly wrap, and lots of outfits for baby.

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